Top Rich Universities Of World

As reported by U.S. News , Here are ten largest university endowments at the end of fiscal year 2012 . They Are Just Big And Rich .

Harvard University
Endowment: $30,745,534,000
In Perspective: Let’s return to the articles that led off this post, which note that Harvard ran a $34 million deficit this past year. $34 million is a lot of money – but not compared to Harvard’s overall endowment. Let’s imagine, for a moment, that Harvard’s income and expenses both freeze at current levels for the remainder of time, and that it must cover its annual $34 million deficit by taking money out of its endowment. In such a fantasyland, it would take nearly a millennium (905 years, to be exact) before Harvard’s endowment was fully spent.

Yale University

Endowment: $19,264,289,000

In Perspective: $19 billion is a hefty chunk of change, though significantly less than what Harvard has in the bank. It’s also roughly equal to the total value of all online shopping done by Canadians in 2012. I wonder how many smiling Amazon boxes that included?

Princeton University

Endowment: $17,404,002,000

Stanford University

Endowment: $17,035,804,000

In Perspective: We’ll lump these two schools together since their endowments are so similar – what’s a difference of a paltry $370 million or so? Interestingly, $17.2 billion is roughly the net worth of Abigail Johnson, the wealthiest person in Massachusetts. This fascinating article shows what $17 billion can buy, such as every single NBA franchise, a fleet of brand-new airliners, or 25 U.S. presidential campaigns.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Endowment: $10,149,564,000

In Perspective: With their endowment, MIT could buy not only their beloved hometown Boston Red Sox franchise (currently valued by Forbes at roughly $2.06 billion), but also the New England Patriots ($1.8 billion), Boston Celtics ($0.73 billion), and Boston Bruins ($0.35 billion) franchises. They would then have enough left to purchase the New York Yankees ($3.28 billion), New York Jets ($1.38 billion), and most of the New York Rangers ($0.75 billion) franchises, giving New England assured dominance in most sports rivalries with New York for the foreseeable future.

Columbia University

Endowment: $7,654,152,000

University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

Endowment: $7,586,547,000

Texas A&M University – College Station

Endowment: $7,032,203,615

University of Pennsylvania

 Endowment: $6,754,658,000

University of Notre Dame

Endowment: $6,444,599,000

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